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Here are some topics you can cover in an essay about India:
India is a diverse country with many different cultures, religions, languages, foods, and clothing. Despite these differences, people in India live together in peace.
India has a rich and diverse culture with many festivals, traditional food, arts, music, sports, clothing, and architecture.
India has an eventful history and is home to one of the oldest civilizations.
India is a peninsular country in South Asia, surrounded by the Indian Ocean to the south and the Himalayas to the north.
India is the world’s largest democracy and a rich country with fertile soil that makes it the world’s largest wheat producer.
Famous people
India has produced many famous people in the fields of literature and science, including Rabindranath Tagore, CV Raman, and Dr Abdul Kalam.
India is home to many monuments, tombs, churches, historical buildings, temples, and museums.
Indian food is a cosmopolitan cuisine with many ingredients, cooking techniques, and culinary presentations.
Family system
The joint family system is prevalent in Indian culture, where parents, children, children’s spouses, and offspring live together.
Arranged marriages are the norm in Indian culture, and the bride’s family usually gives a dowry to the bridegroom.
Indian weddings are festive occasions with decorations, clothing, music, dance, and rituals.